Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I was watching the news the other day, when I ran across the story of the Asaina flight that crashed, and the news station that wrongfully reported the insensitive (albeit quite funny) names of the pilots. And I couldn't help but start thinking.   This isn't the first time that a news station has jumped the gun on a story, only to have given out wrong information.  News companies are competing with one another, and in doing so, there is an enormous amount of stress and pressure on being the first, or the most accurate, or the best. And every journalist dreams of being the best, and the fastest, and the most accurate.  It's what they do, after all, they keep the masses informed.

So, one would think with everyone having the same dream, they'd cooperate and share info and work in unison.  But journalism is field of study, and is as cut-throat as any other.  Reporters snagging scoops and looking for angles unexplored, and other papers and sources quick to point out the flaws and short-comings of other respective journalists. 

Not so different from the paranormal community, when you think about it. Every group starts for the same reason...a love, or at least a curiosity for the paranormal.  And somewhere along the line, we all decide to strive to help people in need, educate people, or go all out for the book writing and radio shows and television shows and public appearances.  But in any of the three cases, there's always the paranormal.

And yet, we're as cut-throat as any field.  Maybe it's because we DONT get paid for it, maybe it's a pride thing, maybe it's that we strive to be the best, the most versatile, the most dedicated, the most organized, the most professional team out there. Maybe it's because we try so hardto have the most equipment, or the best website, or the newest toys, or matching tee-shirts.  But in the end, it consumes us.  A field filled with egos creating barriers and walls, building an imaginary fort of followers on face book and fans and hoarding locations and information and equipment and evidence all in the name of science that only a few of us advance, most of us practice, and very few of us understand.  

But there is always conflict.  Just as the NTSC intern trolled the news station (Like a boss, no less!)   there will always be groups faking evidence. Just as some journalists will say anything on the teleprompter (Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrel, "Anchorman") comes to mind lol) investigators will be simply copying what they see on TV, and as long as news casters are trying to be the first to land a scoop, there will be other teams there to refute your evidence as they try to provide their own.

But this is also WHY we try so hard to refute evidence.  Because when the first team DOES have the first, conclusive, holy grail of all evidence that cannot be denied, we, as a community, want to be sure it's legitimate and stands as a testament to the entire communities efforts. 

But until there is journalism-unity, there will never be a complete para unity.