Sunday, January 27, 2013

A new beginning

I have spent the last 15+ years looking into the paranormal, and have had the wonderful opportunity to get into some of the greatest and most renowned locations, and have had the pleasure of being allowed into the homes of many individuals having questions and needing answers.  It has been a labor of love, not one I have done for fame, or money, but as interest and science. 

I always knew these things, these apparitions, experiences, disembodied voices, etc. existed.  I knew, because I had seen them.  I have seen and felt these things, and there was nothing that could convince me otherwise, but my questions were not the "if" but the "how" and "why".  I let me love of science carry me down a dangerous line of psychology and psychics, of science and physics, of religion and occult.  And I have always striven to find a balance and consistency in a world whose only rule is based on change.    And for years, I had done just that.  And i have no regrets.  The paranormal is STILL, and always WILL BE, my main focus and primary interest. 

Over the last few years, my group underwent a huge change, and my new members could not have left me more proud of my accomplishments.  Seeing how far they have come, in such a short time, and under my hard-ass tutelage and rules, leaves me with a satisfaction knowing that, when they strike out on their own, my legacy will carry on.

And that time has come.  Now, before all my opponents do a victory dance and my fans begin to picket my home with pitchforks and torches, I am NOT giving up on the paranormal, and KMPI, in a sense, still exists.  But in terms of having my own group, I have had to take the back seat.  My wife's recent medical condition and my children, now growing, have left me spread too thin, with baseball and PTA and homework and girl scouts and religious classes and soon, most likely karate and god knows what else, plus the many different boards, committees, and other events and teams I am on, have left me spread too thin and have taken too much of my time for me to put my all into KMPI.  For this reason, Jim and Deb have begun their own group, "Paradigm Shift Paranormal Investigations" (find them on FaceBook and blogs, I'll post links when I find them).  Jim and Deb have a love for the paranormal that, honestly, is so big it can't hardly be contained in my little group, and I felt it was time they set out on their own anyhow, if nothing else, so that can shape their own group into what it should be.  My group always as just that, KMPI. And Jim and Deb have proven that they are bigger than my ideals and I feel they have much more to offer with my busy personal life not holding them back  ;)

I give them my full blessing going forward, knowing they have the resources, and determination, and heart that makes a paranormal team what it should be, and I will be forwarding my work to them as I get it in. 

Of course, my love is still the paranormal and I will continue my studies and research alone, helping out the groups I network with as requested as I help Jim and Deb along in their own venture.  KMPI is still my baby which is why I haven't let the domain expire, and the website may or may not come back, but in the meanwhile, I can rest easier at night knowing that the seeds I planted years ago have finally taken root and have branched out into their own. 

And for that, and the friendships KMPI has brought me, I truly am grateful and can say that this is not the end, but simply, a new beginning for old friends.


1 comment:

  1. Well said, Mike, and may the healing light shine upon all you do :o)
